| Last update: 8 August 2004
Changes and Features This section details changes through all Globe Masters Software Applications and their versions. Major Globe Masters Software Applications enhancements are due to ideas and suggestions of users. To submit a feature request, a bug report or a question, please email Globe Masters Software.
01.04.2004 – VideoDesktop Ver - Fix random player.
- Fix overlay hardware switch.
10.02.2003 – VideoDesktop Ver 3.1 - Fix popup menu problem (Esc).
- Upgrade to DirectX 8.1 from DirectX 3 and 5.
- Add Windows XP OS.
- Improve by 6% Video Frame Rate playback.
- Add AutoRun VideoDesktop when Windows Starts (Boot).
- Add AutoPlay when VideoDesktop Starts.
- Add Supported Video Codec’s: All MPEG-1, All MPEGv2, All MPEGv3, DivX,
nIndeo Video 5, Angel Potion compression formats and other. - Improve video frame tearing.
- Smooth and consistent video Frame Rate.
- Improve the Pause function.
- Improve ScreenSaver start/exit MouseClick,MouseMove,KeyStroke(keyboard).
- Video playback RealTime update resize, position, volume and balance.
10.04.2002 – Chameleon Ver 2.0 - Corrected and Improve: GetFileSize.
- Added: Read Only Chameleon Output.
- Added: MultiChameleon and MultiUnChameleon.
- Improve: GetSubDirectory in Real Time.
- Corrected and Improve: Windows NT Cursors.
- Corrected and Improve: Adware Mode.
30.03.2002 – VideoDesktop Ver 2.1 - Corrected and Improve: CPU power.
- Corrected: Unregister bitmap flick.
- Added: Video Playback with the current Wallpaper.
- Corrected: Saving - Uninstall Playerlist.dat file.
- Added: 3 different versions Demo, Freeware (adware) and Shareware.
- Added: Transparent Wallpaper.
1.03.2002 – Chameleon Ver 1.1 - Corrected: Compression Formula.
- Added: GetSubdirectories Check box.
- Added: Increase Security with Double 128 Bit Encyption System.
25.01.2002 – VideoDesktop Ver 1.1 - Corrected: Pause, Next and Previous Buttons.
- Corrected bug: Video Window size at Options Dialog.
- Corrected bug: Adding empty string of text in the PlayerList Selected list, when no PlayerList data file does exist.
- Corrected bug: Add more Craphic Cards Compatibility, 9% of the markets Graphics Card doesn’t Support DirectX Overlay Surfaces.
- Corrected bug: Shut down application when critical error.
- Added: Random Check box in the Playerlist dialog box.
- Added: Loop Check box in the Playerlist dialog box.
- Added: Transparent ToolTips on Menu Items.
- Added: Tool Tips for faster help on Button and Controls.
- Added: Help connecting directly to the Internet.
- Added - Corrected: 32 bit and 24 Bit Resolutions.
12.01.2002 – VideoDesktop - Remove the Screenshot Command, not necessary.
- Correct the Video Out border error.
- Insert a Center Check Box in Options Dialog for faster way centering the Video Screen.
- Improve the Message - Warning Box.
- Correct the Wallpaper settings.
- Fix the bug in PlayerList (DoubleClick on list, to add- remove Selected Video files was crashing).
- Improve the Selected Video files Loop Playing.
- Decrease the Volume of the FX Sound Buttons.
- Improve the Main Popup Menu.
- Remove WinMonitor DLL, Created new and faster way of monitoring Windows Events.
10.01.2002 – VideoDesktop - Find bug in the Screenshot Command, Fix in the later update.
- Prevent Windows Screen Saver been activated.
- Fix bug in the PlayerList (Selected Files List).
- Improve the Window Monitor DLL.
- Divx 3 and greater is not Compatimbe Yet.
- Fix problem with Mouse move capture.
10.01.2002 – Chameleon - Start on a new consept of compressed secret file.
- The application is still in expirement mode.
- I’m trying to create the perfect secret file (Hide File).
- Use of 128Bit encryption with a simple and fast compress Formula.
01.01.2002 – VideoDesktop - After long time here are some updates.
- VideoDesktop is still being developed in spite of no site updates.
- Latest version is 1.0.
- Some of new features.
- New rendering engine.
- Added option to remember all settings for every movie played.
- Added Desktop mode option.
- Added option to draw YUV-RGB to Overlay surface.
- Added support for RGB overlays.
- Some INI files fixes and additions.
- Some other changes and bug fixes
10.11.2001 - VideoDesktop - Added option to remember last movie played, so you can continue next time exactly where you left off.
- Added option to change resolution when switching to full screen mode.
- Added option to 'scroll' video in Pan scan mode (middle mouse button).
- Video can now be resized in full screen mode.
- Added support for overlay.
- Some improvements to Playerlist.
- Fixed problems with 'Pause' mode.
- Auto change the Wallpaper or Active Wallpaper and resume back to normal.
- Added progressive rendering option - can improve playback on some computers.
- Only warning message, if hardware isn't capable of bliting and stretching.
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